C++98 lexer¶
This is an example of a C++98 lexer. It tries to be conforming to the C++98 standard (except for a couple of hacks that simulate the preprocessor). All nontrivial lexemes (integers, floating-point constants, strings, and character literals) are parsed, not only recognized: numeric literals are converted to numbers and strings are unescaped. Some additional checks described in the standard (e.g., overflows in integer literals) are also done.
// re2c $INPUT -o $OUTPUT -i
#include <assert.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
static const size_t SIZE = 64 * 1024;
struct input_t {
unsigned char buf[SIZE + YYMAXFILL];
unsigned char *lim;
unsigned char *cur;
unsigned char *mar;
unsigned char *tok;
bool eof;
FILE *const file;
input_t(FILE *f)
: buf()
, lim(buf + SIZE)
, cur(lim)
, mar(lim)
, tok(lim)
, eof(false)
, file(f)
bool fill(size_t need)
if (eof) {
return false;
const size_t free = tok - buf;
if (free < need) {
return false;
memmove(buf, tok, lim - tok);
lim -= free;
cur -= free;
mar -= free;
tok -= free;
lim += fread(lim, 1, free, file);
if (lim < buf + SIZE) {
eof = true;
memset(lim, 0, YYMAXFILL);
return true;
/*!re2c re2c:define:YYCTYPE = "unsigned char"; */
template<int base>
static bool adddgt(unsigned long &u, unsigned long d)
if (u > (ULONG_MAX - d) / base) {
return false;
u = u * base + d;
return true;
static bool lex_oct(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *e, unsigned long &u)
for (u = 0, ++s; s < e; ++s) {
if (!adddgt<8>(u, *s - 0x30u)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool lex_dec(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *e, unsigned long &u)
for (u = 0; s < e; ++s) {
if (!adddgt<10>(u, *s - 0x30u)) {
return false;
return true;
static bool lex_hex(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char *e, unsigned long &u)
for (u = 0, s += 2; s < e;) {
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = s;
* { if (!adddgt<16>(u, s[-1] - 0x30u)) return false; continue; }
[a-f] { if (!adddgt<16>(u, s[-1] - 0x61u + 10)) return false; continue; }
[A-F] { if (!adddgt<16>(u, s[-1] - 0x41u + 10)) return false; continue; }
return true;
static bool lex_str(input_t &in, unsigned char q)
fprintf(stderr, "%c", q);
for (unsigned long u = q;; fprintf(stderr, "\\x%lx", u)) {
in.tok = in.cur;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 1;
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = in.cur;
re2c:define:YYMARKER = in.mar;
re2c:define:YYLIMIT = in.lim;
re2c:define:YYFILL = "if (!in.fill(@@)) return false;";
re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;
* { return false; }
[^\n\\] { u = in.tok[0]; if (u == q) break; continue; }
"\\a" { u = '\a'; continue; }
"\\b" { u = '\b'; continue; }
"\\f" { u = '\f'; continue; }
"\\n" { u = '\n'; continue; }
"\\r" { u = '\r'; continue; }
"\\t" { u = '\t'; continue; }
"\\v" { u = '\v'; continue; }
"\\\\" { u = '\\'; continue; }
"\\'" { u = '\''; continue; }
"\\\"" { u = '"'; continue; }
"\\?" { u = '?'; continue; }
"\\" [0-7]{1,3} { lex_oct(in.tok, in.cur, u); continue; }
"\\u" [0-9a-fA-F]{4} { lex_hex(in.tok, in.cur, u); continue; }
"\\U" [0-9a-fA-F]{8} { lex_hex(in.tok, in.cur, u); continue; }
"\\x" [0-9a-fA-F]+ { if (!lex_hex(in.tok, in.cur, u)) return false; continue; }
fprintf(stderr, "%c", q);
return true;
static bool lex_flt(const unsigned char *s)
double d = 0;
double x = 1;
int e = 0;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = s;
"." { goto mant_frac; }
[eE] { goto exp_sign; }
* { d = (d * 10) + (s[-1] - '0'); goto mant_int; }
"" { goto sfx; }
[eE] { goto exp_sign; }
[0-9] { d += (x /= 10) * (s[-1] - '0'); goto mant_frac; }
"+"? { x = 1e+1; goto exp; }
"-" { x = 1e-1; goto exp; }
"" { for (; e > 0; --e) d *= x; goto sfx; }
[0-9] { e = (e * 10) + (s[-1] - '0'); goto exp; }
* { goto end; }
[fF] { if (d > FLT_MAX) return false; goto end; }
fprintf(stderr, "%g", d);
return true;
static bool lex(input_t &in)
unsigned long u;
for (;;) {
in.tok = in.cur;
re2c:yyfill:enable = 1;
re2c:define:YYCURSOR = in.cur;
re2c:define:YYMARKER = in.mar;
re2c:define:YYLIMIT = in.lim;
re2c:define:YYFILL = "if (!in.fill(@@)) return false;";
re2c:define:YYFILL:naked = 1;
end = "\x00";
* { return false; }
end {
fprintf(stderr, "\n");
return in.lim - in.tok == YYMAXFILL;
// macros
macro = ("#" | "%:") ([^\n] | "\\\n")* "\n";
macro { continue; }
// whitespaces
mcm = "/*" ([^*] | ("*" [^/]))* "*""/";
scm = "//" [^\n]* "\n";
wsp = ([ \t\v\n\r] | scm | mcm)+;
wsp { fprintf(stderr, " "); continue; }
// character and string literals
"L"? ['"] { if (!lex_str(in, in.cur[-1])) return false; continue; }
"L"? "''" { return false; }
// integer literals
oct = "0" [0-7]*;
dec = [1-9][0-9]*;
hex = '0x' [0-9a-fA-F]+;
oct { if (!lex_oct(in.tok, in.cur, u)) return false; goto sfx; }
dec { if (!lex_dec(in.tok, in.cur, u)) return false; goto sfx; }
hex { if (!lex_hex(in.tok, in.cur, u)) return false; goto sfx; }
// floating literals
frc = [0-9]* "." [0-9]+ | [0-9]+ ".";
exp = 'e' [+-]? [0-9]+;
flt = (frc exp? | [0-9]+ exp) [fFlL]?;
flt { if (lex_flt(in.tok)) continue; return false; }
// boolean literals
"false" { fprintf(stderr, "false"); continue; }
"true" { fprintf(stderr, "true"); continue; }
// keywords
"asm" { fprintf(stderr, "ASM"); continue; }
"auto" { fprintf(stderr, "AUTO"); continue; }
"bool" { fprintf(stderr, "BOOL"); continue; }
"break" { fprintf(stderr, "BREAK"); continue; }
"case" { fprintf(stderr, "CASE"); continue; }
"catch" { fprintf(stderr, "CATCH"); continue; }
"char" { fprintf(stderr, "CHAR"); continue; }
"class" { fprintf(stderr, "CLASS"); continue; }
"const" { fprintf(stderr, "CONST"); continue; }
"const_cast" { fprintf(stderr, "CONST_CAST"); continue; }
"continue" { fprintf(stderr, "CONTINUE"); continue; }
"default" { fprintf(stderr, "DEFAULT"); continue; }
"do" { fprintf(stderr, "DO"); continue; }
"double" { fprintf(stderr, "DOUBLE"); continue; }
"dynamic_cast" { fprintf(stderr, "DYNAMIC_CAST"); continue; }
"else" { fprintf(stderr, "ELSE"); continue; }
"enum" { fprintf(stderr, "ENUM"); continue; }
"explicit" { fprintf(stderr, "EXPLICIT"); continue; }
"export" { fprintf(stderr, "EXPORT"); continue; }
"extern" { fprintf(stderr, "EXTERN"); continue; }
"float" { fprintf(stderr, "FLOAT"); continue; }
"for" { fprintf(stderr, "FOR"); continue; }
"friend" { fprintf(stderr, "FRIEND"); continue; }
"goto" { fprintf(stderr, "GOTO"); continue; }
"if" { fprintf(stderr, "IF"); continue; }
"inline" { fprintf(stderr, "INLINE"); continue; }
"int" { fprintf(stderr, "INT"); continue; }
"long" { fprintf(stderr, "LONG"); continue; }
"mutable" { fprintf(stderr, "MUTABLE"); continue; }
"namespace" { fprintf(stderr, "NAMESPACE"); continue; }
"operator" { fprintf(stderr, "OPERATOR"); continue; }
"private" { fprintf(stderr, "PRIVATE"); continue; }
"protected" { fprintf(stderr, "PROTECTED"); continue; }
"public" { fprintf(stderr, "PUBLIC"); continue; }
"register" { fprintf(stderr, "REGISTER"); continue; }
"reinterpret_cast" { fprintf(stderr, "REINTERPRET_CAST"); continue; }
"return" { fprintf(stderr, "RETURN"); continue; }
"short" { fprintf(stderr, "SHORT"); continue; }
"signed" { fprintf(stderr, "SIGNED"); continue; }
"sizeof" { fprintf(stderr, "SIZEOF"); continue; }
"static" { fprintf(stderr, "STATIC"); continue; }
"static_cast" { fprintf(stderr, "STATIC_CAST"); continue; }
"struct" { fprintf(stderr, "STRUCT"); continue; }
"switch" { fprintf(stderr, "SWITCH"); continue; }
"template" { fprintf(stderr, "TEMPLATE"); continue; }
"this" { fprintf(stderr, "THIS"); continue; }
"throw" { fprintf(stderr, "THROW"); continue; }
"try" { fprintf(stderr, "TRY"); continue; }
"typedef" { fprintf(stderr, "TYPEDEF"); continue; }
"typeid" { fprintf(stderr, "TYPEID"); continue; }
"typename" { fprintf(stderr, "TYPENAME"); continue; }
"union" { fprintf(stderr, "UNION"); continue; }
"unsigned" { fprintf(stderr, "UNSIGNED"); continue; }
"using" { fprintf(stderr, "USING"); continue; }
"virtual" { fprintf(stderr, "VIRTUAL"); continue; }
"void" { fprintf(stderr, "VOID"); continue; }
"volatile" { fprintf(stderr, "VOLATILE"); continue; }
"wchar_t" { fprintf(stderr, "WCHAR_T"); continue; }
"while" { fprintf(stderr, "WHILE"); continue; }
// operators and punctuation (including preprocessor)
("{" | "<%") { fprintf(stderr, "{"); continue; }
("}" | "%>") { fprintf(stderr, "}"); continue; }
("[" | "<:") { fprintf(stderr, "["); continue; }
("]" | ":>") { fprintf(stderr, "]"); continue; }
"(" { fprintf(stderr, "("); continue; }
")" { fprintf(stderr, ")"); continue; }
";" { fprintf(stderr, ";"); continue; }
":" { fprintf(stderr, ":"); continue; }
"..." { fprintf(stderr, "..."); continue; }
"new" { fprintf(stderr, "new"); continue; }
"delete" { fprintf(stderr, "delete"); continue; }
"?" { fprintf(stderr, "?"); continue; }
"::" { fprintf(stderr, "::"); continue; }
"." { fprintf(stderr, "."); continue; }
".*" { fprintf(stderr, "."); continue; }
"+" { fprintf(stderr, "+"); continue; }
"-" { fprintf(stderr, "-"); continue; }
"*" { fprintf(stderr, "*"); continue; }
"/" { fprintf(stderr, "/"); continue; }
"%" { fprintf(stderr, "%%"); continue; }
("^" | "xor") { fprintf(stderr, "^"); continue; }
("&" | "bitand") { fprintf(stderr, "&"); continue; }
("|" | "bitor") { fprintf(stderr, "|"); continue; }
("~" | "compl") { fprintf(stderr, "~"); continue; }
("!" | "not") { fprintf(stderr, "!"); continue; }
"=" { fprintf(stderr, "="); continue; }
"<" { fprintf(stderr, "<"); continue; }
">" { fprintf(stderr, ">"); continue; }
"+=" { fprintf(stderr, "+="); continue; }
"-=" { fprintf(stderr, "-="); continue; }
"*=" { fprintf(stderr, "*="); continue; }
"/=" { fprintf(stderr, "/="); continue; }
"%=" { fprintf(stderr, "%%="); continue; }
("^=" | "xor_eq") { fprintf(stderr, "^="); continue; }
("&=" | "and_eq") { fprintf(stderr, "&="); continue; }
("|=" | "or_eq") { fprintf(stderr, "|="); continue; }
"<<" { fprintf(stderr, "<<"); continue; }
">>" { fprintf(stderr, ">>"); continue; }
">>=" { fprintf(stderr, ">>="); continue; }
"<<=" { fprintf(stderr, "<<="); continue; }
"==" { fprintf(stderr, "=="); continue; }
("!=" | "not_eq") { fprintf(stderr, "!="); continue; }
"<=" { fprintf(stderr, "<="); continue; }
">=" { fprintf(stderr, ">="); continue; }
("&&" | "and") { fprintf(stderr, "&&"); continue; }
("||" | "or") { fprintf(stderr, "||"); continue; }
"++" { fprintf(stderr, "++"); continue; }
"--" { fprintf(stderr, "--"); continue; }
"," { fprintf(stderr, ","); continue; }
"->*" { fprintf(stderr, "->*"); continue; }
"->" { fprintf(stderr, "->"); continue; }
// identifiers
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*;
id { fprintf(stderr, "%.*s", (int)(in.cur - in.tok), in.tok); continue; }
"" { if (u > INT_MAX) return false; fprintf(stderr, "%d", static_cast<int>(u)); continue; }
'u' { if (u > UINT_MAX) return false; fprintf(stderr, "%u", static_cast<unsigned>(u)); continue; }
'l' { if (u > LONG_MAX) return false; fprintf(stderr, "%ld", static_cast<long>(u)); continue; }
'ul' | 'lu' { fprintf(stderr, "%lu", u); continue; }
int main()
const char *fname = "example.cpp";
FILE *f;
// prepare input file
f = fopen(fname, "w");
"int main()\n"
" int n;\n"
" printf(\"Enter the number:\\n\");\n"
" scanf(\"%%d\", &n);\n"
" int f = 1;\n"
" for(int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {\n"
" f *= i;\n"
" }\n"
" printf(\"Factorial of %%d is %%d\\n\", n, f);\n"
" return 0;\n"
f = fopen(fname, "rb");
input_t in(f);
// cleanup
return 0;
Compile as re2c -o cxx98.cc cxx98.re
. Notes:
The main lexer is used to lex all trivial lexemes (macros, whitespace, boolean literals, keywords, operators, punctuators, and identifiers), recognize numeric literals (which are further parsed by a bunch of auxiliary lexers), and recognize the start of a string and character literals (which are further recognized and parsed by an auxiliary lexer). Numeric literals are thus lexed twice: this approach may be deemed inefficient, but it takes much more effort to validate and parse them in one go. Besides, a real-world lexer would rather recognize ill-formed lexemes (e.g., overflown integer literals), report them, and resume lexing.
We don’t use re2c in cases where a hand-written parser looks simpler: when parsing octal and decimal literals (though a re2c-based parser would do exactly the same, without the slightest overhead). However, hexadecimal literals still require some lexing, which looks better with re2c. Again, it’s only a matter of taste: a re2c-based implementation adds no overhead. Look at the generated code to make sure.
The main lexer and string lexer both use
re2c:yyfill:enable = 1;
, other lexers usere2c:yyfill:enable = 0;
. This is very important: both the main lexer and string lexer advance input position to new (yet unseen) input characters, so they must check for the end of input and callYYFILL
. In contrast, other lexers only parse lexemes that have already been recognized by the main lexer: these lexemes are guaranteed to be within buffer bounds (they are guarded byin.tok
on the left andin.lim
on the right).The most difficult part is parsing floating-point literals.